Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Illogical Political Rhetoric

Thursday, February 25th,6:30 am, cst

This is our first broadcast in two months. Our absence has
a result of updating all our broadcasting programs and
Not fun! I truly missed broadcasting the show,
but had to upgrade,
or be left with inferior sound quality with
the increasing risk of downtime.

So on this broadcast I ask if you ever wonder why people
confused about whom to vote for? I used to be, but not
now that
I critic what they say. I have become a full-blown
skeptic and
proud of it. (Sounds like a good bumper sticker
saying). It's
actually referred to as critical thinking, an
unfortunate casualty
of current political dialogue and a
dying art in America. Let's
explore this together call
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

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