Friday, December 24, 2010

A Whole New World

Monday, December 27th, 6:30 am, cst

I would like to reflect on what we once had to compare
it with what we are saddled with today. Nothing
profound, but just enough to think about. Call in
with your opinion toll-free 888-773-4496, or direct

To listen, go to, or to

Monday, December 13, 2010

Market Mania with Andy Sutton

Wednesday, December 15th, 7:00 pm, cst

We are pleased that Andy has accepted our invitation
to return to discuss economic trends. Much has been
said about the recent uptick in consumer spending,
but is this real progress? Andy is an economist and
Chief Strategist for Sutton and Associates. Listen in
and join with your questions toll-free (888) 773-4496,
or direct (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Monday, December 6, 2010

War and More War

Thursday, December 9th, 6:30 am, cst

For some reason, the older I get the more I don't get
it, war, that is. Maybe one of my listeners can help me
out while we discuss this irrational concept. Call in
with your opinion toll-free (888) 773-4496.

To listen, go to, or to