Sunday, August 30, 2015

If I Were Running for President

Monday, August 31st, 8:00am, central

I will take this opportunity to delineate my platform if I was running for President of the United States. So far the debates have centered more on how "Presidential" a candidate looks, or sounds. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty on what will fix this country. It won't be pretty, but fixing a broken system never is. Call in with your opinion 646-652-4620.
To listen and view the show, go to  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.
You may also access the broadcast on and

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Carl R. Loser is a Winner for America

Thursday, August 27th, 8:00am, central

Carl Loser, Candidate for Virginia State Senate, feels pasionately that our current government is not working for us. In fact, as citizens we are working to live within the boundaries that our, or their, government has created. Whenever a member of the two major parties is elected there is only one result and that is an increase in taxes and big government. It is time to send the two major parties a message by voting Libertarian.  Listen to Carl and help elect  him to office if you agree.  Call during our broadcast 646-652-4620.

To listen, go to  If you call, you may either just listen to the broadcast, or dial "1" to ask a question of our guest, or make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.

FYI, you may also access this as well as previous broadcasts on and

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Work vs. Welfare Tradeoff with Cato Institute Senior Fellow Michael Tanner

Monday, August 24th, 8:00am, central

Cato Institute senior fellow, Michael Tanner heads research into a variety of domestic policies with a particular emphasis on poverty and social welfare policy, health care reform, and Social Security.  We will be discussing the concept of welfare especially when it becomes more profitable not to work.  Please join us in this discussion by calling 646-652-4620.   

To listen and view, go to  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to ask a question, or make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.

You may also listen and/or view the broadcast on and

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Economist Andy Sutton: Are the Economic Chickens Coming Home to Roost?

Wednesday, August 19th, 3:00pm, central

We are pleased that Economist Andy Sutton has agreed to return to our show to update us on the status of economic affairs and how it may effect you.  It appears that the economy is starting to grind to a halt.  Are we going to experience a repeat of the Great Recession, or worse?  Listen in and determine for yourself.  Call in with your questions, or comments, 646-652-4620 during our live broadcast.

To listen and view, go to  Download the app to listen on your smart phone.  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to ask a question, or make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.

Also, you can also access this program on and  Look for ward to hearing from you. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Scheduled Execution of Richard Glossip

Monday, August 17th, 8:00am, central

Our guest is Mr. Marc Hyden, the National Advocacy Coordinator with Conservatives Concerned about the Death Penalty, a Project of EJUSA. He comes most recently from the National Rifle Association (NRA) where he served as a Campaign Field Representative in the State of Florida.  We will be discussing the fairness of the death penalty and specifically the scheduled execution of Richard Glossip by lethal injection on Wednesday, September 16th.  Please join us and call in with your questions and comments 646-652-4620.  

To listen, go to, or dial 646-652-4620.  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to ask a question, or let your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.

You may also access this broadcast, voice and/or video, on and

Monday, August 10, 2015

Geologist & Chess Champion on Horizontal Drilling & Youth Opinion of Current Events

Thursday, August 13th, 8:00am, central

We are pleased that Geologist and State Chess Champion Charles Unruh has accepted our invitation to be on our show to discuss a host of issues from horizontal drilling to what young people think of current policies.  Since Charles works with many young students, he is highly qualified to give us insight as to what the silent young silent majority is thinking.  I expect to be educated.  Will you join me?  Call in with your questions, or comments, 646-652-4620.

To listen, go to  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.

P.S. You may also view and/or listen to our broadcast on and

Friday, August 7, 2015

Compact for America Educational Foundation President Nick Dranias

Monday, August 10th, 8:00am, central

We are pleased that Mr. Nick Dranias, President and Executive Director of Compact for America Educational Foundation has agreed to be our guest.  Nick will discuss how the states can initiate a balanced budget amendment that would force the Federal government to finally act responsibly.  Please join us by listening in and calling in with your questions or comments 646-652-4620.
To listen, go to  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to ask a question, or make your view known.  You may also access this program live on and  Look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dismantling the Police State with Hugh Traulsen

Thursday, August 6th, 8:00am, central

We are pleased that Hugh Traulsen has agreed to be our guest to discuss the troubling concept of converting our police force to an armed force.  Mr. Traulsen's motives are altruistic and he is simply trying to make the world a better place. His background has been varied and interesting. He was responsible for a whistle blower complaint which resulted in a high placed political figure being displaced and he accomplished that through lodging a complaint with the Wall Street Journal.
To his credit, he has a poem in the Ronald Reagan Library, has received a letter from President Obama and is well known in numerous social and media circles.  Please feel free to call with your questions or comments 646-652-4620. 
To listen and  view to  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to ask a question, or make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.
P.S.  You may  also access the live broadcast on, or

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Fed Speak & Market Manipulation with Economist Andy Sutton

Monday, August 3rd, 7:30am, central

We are pleased that Economist Andy Sutton has agreed to return to our show to update us on the various ways in which the Federal Reserve together with the banking cartel manipulates the market at the expense of the average citizen.  If you are looking for direction, you don't want to miss this broadcast.  Please feel free to call in any time during the show with your comments or questions 646-652-4620. 

To listen and view, go to If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to just listen, or make your view known.   You may also access the show through iTunes, TuneIn,,, or  Look forward to hearing from you.