Saturday, December 26, 2009

The European Safety Net Fallacy

Thursday, December 31st, 6:30 am, cst

In political as well as economic dialogue, we hear so
called educated experts and pundits make reference
to the European safety net. It is always used as a
superior economic policy that we, as a people, are
just too greedy to implement here. I'd like to discuss
this fallacy, the details of which radio and TV talk
show hosts are reluctant to touch. Call in with your
opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Confused? You Are Not Alone.

Thursday, December 24th, 6:30 am, cst

Anger is building. Frustration is growing. People just
don't understand what is going on, nor how to deal with
it. Maybe it would help if everyone was on the same
page, so to speak, by understanding that what is going
on is nothing new. Moreover, do no expect a change.
Let's discuss this environment in an attempt to decrease
the frustration factor. Call in with your opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Omniscient President

Thursday, December 17th, 6:30 am, cst

Let's thank our luck star that we elected a president with
universal knowledge and understanding. Where would
American industry and finance be without him. I'd like
to comment on this further and read some listener emails
that I thought had particularly good content. Join us by
calling with comments (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Friday, December 4, 2009

Human Nature and War

Thursday, December 10th, 6:30 am, cst

There have been many philosophical discussions
regarding the inevitable nature of war and how it
is part of the human nature. I'd like to weigh in
on this subject in addition to a brief rant regarding
the Tiger Woods incident. Tune in and weigh in
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just Follow the Money

Thursday, December 3rd, 6:30 am, cst

We often engage in conversations about how political
decisions are made. The answer typically becomes
painfully clear once you follow the money. Let's discuss
this further. Call in with your opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to