Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Real Economy Exposed with Economist Andy Sutton

Thursday, October 1st, 4:00pm, central

We are pleased that Economist Andy Sutton has agreed to return to our show to update us on what is really happening in our, as well as, the world economy.  Andy will give us an update of where we are and what we could expect.  Please make it a point to join this broadcast as it will assist you in your personal planning.  Join us with your questions, or comments, 646-652-4620.  

To listen and view, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com.  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.

You may also access this broadcast on BlogTalkRadio.com, YouTube.com, iTunes, TuneIn and LibertyExpressRadio.com.  

Friday, September 25, 2015

Norma Sapp Discusses the Rationale of Marijuana Legalization

Monday, September 28th, 4:00pm, central

We are pleased that Ms. Norma Sapp, Oklahoma's State Representative of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, aka NORML.org, has agreed to be our guest.    NORML's mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the responsible use of marijuana by adults, and to serve as an advocate for consumers to assure they have access to high quality marijuana that is safe, convenient and affordable.
We invite you to join this conversation with your opinion by calling during our live broadcast 646-652-4620. 
To listen and view, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com.  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to ask a question, or make your view known.
You may also access our live broadcast, as well as our archives, on BlogTalkRadio.com, YouTube.com, LibertyExpressRadio.com, iTunes.com, and TuneIn.com. 
Look forward to hearing from you.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Civil Asset Forfeiture with FreedomWorks Director Jason Pye

Thursday, September 24th, 4:00pm, central

Jason Pye is the Director of Messaging and the Director of Justice Reform at FreedomWorks.  We will be discussing the state's abusiveness in civil asset forfeiture, or better known as the state's silent crime against its citizens for the enrichment of the well connected.
Before joining FreedomWorks, Jason served as editor of United Liberty, a blog dedicated to promoting free markets, individual liberty, and limited government.
Please join us by calling in with your questions, or comments, 646-652-4620.   
To listen, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com.  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to ask a question, or make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.
You may also access this broadcast on YouTube.com, BlogTalkRadio.com, iTunes, TuneIn, or LibertyExpressRadio.com.  

Thursday, September 17, 2015

World Economic Freedom Index with Dr. Robert Lawson

Monday, September 21, 8:00am, central

We are pleased that Dr. Robert Lawson, co-author of the widely-cited Economic Index of the World Annual Report has agreed to be our guest.  He will discuss the standings and why the U.S. has lost it's postion as the world's economic freedom powerhouse.  Unfortunately for most of us, this is no surprise.  Join in on this conversation by calling in 646-652-4620.  

To listen to our video blog, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com, or YouTube.com.  If you call during our live broadcast, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.

You may also access this broadcast on BlogTalkRadio.com, iTunes, TuneIn and LibertyExpressRadio.com.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Racial Tension Lines of Responsibility with Alan Scholl

Thursday, September 17th, 8:00am

Mr. Alan J. Scholl is Executive Director of Freedom Project Education.  During this segment, he would like to help determine who is responsible for the America's perceived increase in racial tensions.  Call in with your comments, or questions, 646-652-4620.  

To listen and view, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com.  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to ask a question, or make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.

You may also access this broadcast on YouTube.com and BlogTalkRadio.com.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Students for Liberty with Emily Rhorick

Monday, September 14th, 8:00am, central

Emily Rhorick is an undergraduate student at the College of Charleston in South Carolina where she is pursuing degrees in Business and Economics.  She first became interested in the ideas of liberty while learning about the Constitution and the ways that it has been applied throughout history during her senior year of high school. She served as a Campus Coordinator last year where she worked with groups across South Carolina to spread the message of liberty.  Currently she is on the North American Executive Board of Students For Liberty as the Southeast Regional Director.  Listen in and call in with your questions, or comments, 646-652-4620.  
To listen, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com.  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to ask a question, or make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.
You may also access our program on BlogTalkRadio.com, or YouTube.com.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Big Medicine, Big Profits, Poor Patient with Elaina George, MD

Thursday, September 10th, 8:00am, central

We are honored that Dr. Elaina George, practicing Otolaryngologist, has agreed to return to our show to outline the problem with growing government involvement in our healthcare system and offers solutions as to what can be done to restore the traditional doctor/patient relationship.  Dr. George presents her case in her new book "Big Medicine: The Cost of Corporate Control and How Doctors and Patients Working Together Can Rebuild a Better System".   Listen in and call in with your questions, or comments on this critical issue 646-652-4620.
You may view and listen to the broadcast on LibertyTalkRadio.com.  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to ask a question, or make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.
Also, we also broadcast over BlogTalkRadio.com and YouTube.com.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy with Dr. Richard M. Ebeling

Thursday, September 3rd, 4:00pm, central

We are pleased that Dr. Richard M. Ebeling, the BB&T Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Free Enterprise Leadership at The Citadel, in Charleston, South Carolina has agreed to be our guest.  Dr. Ebeling is recognized as one of the leading members of the Austrian School of Economics. His most recent book, Monetary Central Planning and the State will be published in November 2015 by the Future of Freedom Foundation in eBook format. 
He writes a regular column on political and economic policy issues on the news and commentary website, EpicTimes.
Dr. Ebeling is also the co-editor of When We Are Free, an anthology of essays devoted to the moral, political, and economic principles of the free society, and co-author of the five-volume, In Defense of Capitalism
In 1990-1991, Richard Ebeling frequently travelled to the former Soviet Union consulting with the government of Lithuania and with members of the Russian Parliament and the city of Moscow on the subject of free markets.
Call in with your comments and questions during our live broadcast 646-652-4620. 
To listen and view, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com.  Look forward to hearing from you.