Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What Do Seniors Really Think?

Thursday, June 3rd, 4:00 pm, cdt

We are pleased to have Mr. Kendall Irvin as our guest.
Kendall is a musical humorist who works with the senior
community. He will share with us what seniors really
think about what is going on. This should prove to be
an insightful and entertaining program. Please join us
and call with your questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to www.LibertyTalkRadio.com, or to


jeffersonianideal said...

Joe, regarding your most current show on seniors, "The Greatest Generation" also must take some responsibility for being "The Gimmie Generation". I had this conversation with my Father many times who was born in 1918 and he agreed with me. Seniors had their own version of Obama from 1933-1945. Their generation voted in every president since FDR and they all had a socialist agenda no matter if they were republican or democrat. It was that generation who became proponents and then dependents of The Socialist Security ponsi scheme. Let's not leave out Medicare and Medicaid. Seniors also have a love- hate relationship with the drug companies. They loathe big pharma but be politicians be damned if any of them attempts to take free drugs away from seniors. I have always deeply admired their work ethic and I take nothing away from a generation who suffered through the great depression, helped to secure victory during World War II, gave us innovative and dependable technology and built the most dependable and stylish automobiles in the world. But let's not be afraid to point out their shortcomings and foolish notions. If for no other reason than in an attempt to keep history from repeating itself.

Liberty Talk Radio said...

Point well made.