Monday, November 25, 2013

Special Edition with Economist Andy Sutton

Wednesday, November 27th, 7:00pm, cst

Economist Andy Sutton has asked to return for a special pre-Thanksgiving broadcast as he feels that there are too many misconceptions of the state of the economy and the understanding of true money and wealth.  As such, he would like the air time to help clarify our current shaky economic situation. The entire globe is in economic turmoil in one way shape or form and without painful corrections to our economic system, the results are just too obvious.  We may also have a surprise guest.  Please, do not miss this show.  

To listen, go to, or to  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to ask a question, or make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Money & Currency with Economist Andy Sutton

Wednesday, November 20th, 7:00pm, cst

We are pleased that Economist Andy Sutton is returning to discuss the status of our currency and how current economic affairs might effect you.  These are troubling and especially confusing times.  The better you understand where we are, the better you can chart a course of where to go.  As usual, Andy enjoys answering listener questions, so do call in.  Look forward to hearing from you.

To listen, go to, or to  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

We Are At War

Thursday, November 7th, 6:30am,cst

But the question is, with whom?  I'd like to give you may take on the state of affairs, but would also like to hear you view.  Call toll-free 888-773-4496.  

To listen, go to, or to  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.