Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The University of Logic

Thursday, January 31st, 6:30am, cst

Let's explore some common justifications and rationale used by pundits and news anchors which support government action.  This should be amusing and simultaneously sad.  Call in with your opinion.

To listen, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com, or to BlogTalkRadio.com/LibertyTalkRadio.  If you call you may either just listen, or dial "1" to make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

You Know You're a Zombie If

Thursday, January 24th, 6:30am, cst

You know where this is going.  Listen in for some serious and not so serious commentary on the current state of affairs.  Call in with your opinion toll-free 888-773-4496.

To listen, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com, or to BlogTalkRadio.com/LibertyTalkRadio.  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to make your view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Debt, Derivatives and Downfall with Economist Andy Sutton

Wednesday, January 16th, 7:00pm, cst

We are pleased to have Economist and Chief Investment Strategist, Andy Sutton, return to our show to discuss the incomprehensible monetary system that may eventually leave the average citizen "holding the bag".  This is one show you just don't want to miss.  Call with your questions or comments toll-free 888-773-4496.  Look forward to hearing from you.

To listen, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com, or to BlogTalkRadio.com/LibertyTalkRadio.  However, if you call, you can either just listen, or dial "1" to make your view known. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Search for Independence and Freedom

Thursday, January 10th, 6:30am, cst

Our loss of freedom prompts calls for independence.  Let's discuss these concepts and what they really mean.  Once understood, an action plan could be developed, but don't get them confused.  Call in with your view toll-free 888-773-4496. Look forward to hearing from you.

To listen, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com, or to BlogTalkRadio.com/LibertyTalkRadio.  If you call, you may either just listen, or dial "1" to make your view known. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's All About People Control

Thursday, January 3rd,  6:30am, cst

All this talk about gun control is a specious argument.  People control is what is at issue here.  Let's discuss this further Thursday morning.  Call in with your opinion toll-free 888-773-4496.

To listen, go to LibertyTalkRadio.com, or to BlogTalkRadio.com/LibertyTalkRadio.  If you call, you may either just listen in, or dial "1" to make you view known.  Look forward to hearing from you.