Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Gun Controversy

Thursday, September 1st, 6:30am, cdt

The gun control issue is but just another issue that
bifurcates America thanks to our intrusive Federal
Government. Get two people together with opposing
views and you have a screaming match. I have a
suggested solution once and for all. Listen in and
call in with your opinion toll-free 888-773-4496.

To listen, go to, or simply
call in toll-free 888-773-4496. If you call in, you may
just listen, or elect to ask a question, or make a
comment. We would appreciate your contribution
to our program. You may also access the broadcast
by going to

Monday, August 22, 2011

Decay Within Prosperity

Thursday, August 25th, 6:30am, cdt

The United States is responsible for twenty percent
of the world's production, is the planet's most innovative
country, and sports the highest level of productivity.
Yet, in many ways, we are a nation in decay. Let's
discuss this contradiction. Express you view by calling
toll-free 888-773-4496.

Listen to the show by going to,
or by calling toll-free 888-773-4496. By calling in, you not
only have the option of listening, but also of being part of the
broadcast by expressing your view, or simply asking a
question. Hope to hear from you. The show is also available
by going to

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Economic Malaise with Andy Sutton

Wednesday, August17th, 7:00pm, cdt

Andy Sutton, Economist and Chief Strategist for
Sutton and Associates, returns with his monthly update
of economic activity with a discussion as to why we
can not get this economy moving again. He
will explain
what is really going on in a way that
we all can understand.
Please call in with your
questions and comments toll-free

Listen to the show by going to,
or by calling in toll-
free 888-773-4496. By calling in, you
not only have
the option of listening, but also of being part
of the
broadcast by expressing your view, or simply asking
a question.

Hope to hear from you. The show is also available by
going to

Monday, August 8, 2011

Manufacturing and Jobs Clarified

Thursday, August 11th, 6:30am, cdt

I will attempt to answer the cries for more jobs and
the return of manufacturing as this would purportedly
resolve the national economic crisis. It's a tough one,
but I've done some research and my conclusions may
surprise you. They did me. Please call in with your
questions and comments toll-free 888-773-4496.

Listen to the show by going to,
or by calling in toll-free 888-773-4496. By calling in, you not
only have the option of listening, but also of being part of the
broadcast by expressing your view, or simply asking a question.

Hope to hear from you.
The show is also available by going to

Monday, August 1, 2011

Becoming Human Again with author Suzanne Meier

Wednesday, August 3rd, 5:00pm, cdt

Our guest Suzanne Meier was unable to be on the
show because of a medical emergency. She will
return at a later date. But for now I will rant.
Join us with your questions and comments by
calling toll-free 888-773-4496.

To listen, go to, or to