Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Virtues, Values, Politics and Religion

Thursday, May 27th, 4:00 pm, cdt

We are pleased Mr. M. D. Roe will be our guest
this Thursday. He is a libertarian and an atheist, but
don't let that scare you. This will not be a discussion
of separation of church and state, but rather one of
politics and religion. Regardless of your religious or
political persuasion, you do not what to miss this
discussion. You may visit his blog
LibertarianAtheist.com Please join us by calling
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to www.LibertyTalkRadio.com, or to

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Andy Sutton and the World of Financial Chaos

Friday, May 21st, 7:00, cdt

We are pleased to have as our guest Andy Sutton,
Chief Strategist for Sutton Associates, a registered
investment advisor in the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. Andy will try to make sense out of
what is going on around the world financially, all
of which affects each of us. Call in with your
questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to www.LibertyTalkRadio.com, or to

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Plight of the Veteran

Friday, May 14th, 4:00 pm, cdt

We are pleased to have Mr. James L. Rhodes as
our guest, an accomplished person to say the least,
who is also a veteran who is obtaining needed
health treatments outside the United States. He is
well versed in veteran health issues and the system
that veterans are subject to. Please join us by calling
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to www.LibertyTalkRadio.com, or to

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Candidate Cecil Ince Defender of Liberty

Friday, May 7th, 4:00 pm, cdt

Mr. Cecil Ince, Libertarian Candidate for the Texas 105th
Congressional District, will be our guest. He is a Jeffersonian
who would like to discuss how libertarian principles can be
promoted locally for the benefit of the state.

To listen, go to www.LibertyTalkRadio.com, or to