Thursday, February 25, 2010

Political Doublespeak

Thursday, March 11th, 6:30 am, cdt

(Still down with the flu. Will try a Thursday broadcast.
My apologies. This has been a rough one.)

So you think you know what your politician is saying.
Let's see if I can put some doubt into your mind. Call
with your opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Illogical Political Rhetoric

Thursday, February 25th,6:30 am, cst

This is our first broadcast in two months. Our absence has
a result of updating all our broadcasting programs and
Not fun! I truly missed broadcasting the show,
but had to upgrade,
or be left with inferior sound quality with
the increasing risk of downtime.

So on this broadcast I ask if you ever wonder why people
confused about whom to vote for? I used to be, but not
now that
I critic what they say. I have become a full-blown
skeptic and
proud of it. (Sounds like a good bumper sticker
saying). It's
actually referred to as critical thinking, an
unfortunate casualty
of current political dialogue and a
dying art in America. Let's
explore this together call
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Broadcasting This Week - Stay Tuned

We anticipate that the station will be up and running this week. Thursday morning should be our first broadcast since January. We have installed all updated equipment that the technicians have found a way to make them talk with each other. I can't wait to get back on the air.

The only change is that we will stream the broadcast up until the session is placed in the archives. At that point, you may retrieve the show from the archives as it will no longer be streaming. This will allow me to turn the server and computer off which will lengthen the life of the new equipment. Also, I don't have to worry about power surges that take down the station temporarily.

Hope this all works out. Thanks for your patience.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Technical Problems Continue to Plague the Station

This is to inform my listeners that the technical problems
that I have experienced during the last five weeks

continue. In fact, they have gotten worse after all the
technical work done at the station by audio and computer
experts. I could not be more frustrated.

I have ordered a completely new computer which is being

designed and
programmed for broadcasting only.

Understand that I do not accept
contributions, nor do I
allow advertisers on my broadcast
to defray the cost of
operation. I broadcast because I
feel a need to and
enjoy it.

I know I have lost a considerable number of listeners, but
I intend to work to regain my listenership. We should be
back on the air next week as the new equipment is
to arrive later this week. Thank you for your
and patience.