Friday, December 24, 2010
A Whole New World
Monday, December 27th, 6:30 am, cst
I would like to reflect on what we once had to compare
it with what we are saddled with today. Nothing
profound, but just enough to think about. Call in
with your opinion toll-free 888-773-4496, or direct
To listen, go to, or to
I would like to reflect on what we once had to compare
it with what we are saddled with today. Nothing
profound, but just enough to think about. Call in
with your opinion toll-free 888-773-4496, or direct
To listen, go to, or to
Monday, December 13, 2010
Market Mania with Andy Sutton
Wednesday, December 15th, 7:00 pm, cst
We are pleased that Andy has accepted our invitation
to return to discuss economic trends. Much has been
said about the recent uptick in consumer spending,
but is this real progress? Andy is an economist and
Chief Strategist for Sutton and Associates. Listen in
and join with your questions toll-free (888) 773-4496,
or direct (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
We are pleased that Andy has accepted our invitation
to return to discuss economic trends. Much has been
said about the recent uptick in consumer spending,
but is this real progress? Andy is an economist and
Chief Strategist for Sutton and Associates. Listen in
and join with your questions toll-free (888) 773-4496,
or direct (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Monday, December 6, 2010
War and More War
Thursday, December 9th, 6:30 am, cst
For some reason, the older I get the more I don't get
it, war, that is. Maybe one of my listeners can help me
out while we discuss this irrational concept. Call in
with your opinion toll-free (888) 773-4496.
To listen, go to, or to
For some reason, the older I get the more I don't get
it, war, that is. Maybe one of my listeners can help me
out while we discuss this irrational concept. Call in
with your opinion toll-free (888) 773-4496.
To listen, go to, or to
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Essence of Liberty
Thursday, December 2nd, 6:30 am, cst
The late David Nolan, founder of the Libertarian
Party, wrote about the essence of liberty which
I would like to review for the benefit of our listeners.
Call in with your opinion (888) 773-4496.
To listen, go to, or to
The late David Nolan, founder of the Libertarian
Party, wrote about the essence of liberty which
I would like to review for the benefit of our listeners.
Call in with your opinion (888) 773-4496.
To listen, go to, or to
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Say What?
Thursday, November 25th, 6:30 am, cst
I'd like to rant on concepts that we hear in the main
stream that just are not true. In fact, they are less
than true, they're nutty. Let's discuss them to their
illogical conclusion. And don't forget to call in with
your favorites toll-free 888-773-4496.
To listen, go to, or to
I'd like to rant on concepts that we hear in the main
stream that just are not true. In fact, they are less
than true, they're nutty. Let's discuss them to their
illogical conclusion. And don't forget to call in with
your favorites toll-free 888-773-4496.
To listen, go to, or to
Monday, November 15, 2010
Ecospeak with Andy Sutton
Wednesday, November 17th, 7:00 pm, cst
We are pleased to have return Andy Sutton, Economist
and Chief Market Strategist for Sutton and Associates.
Andy will discuss the status of our economic affairs.
We welcome your calls toll-free (888) 773-4496.
To listen, go to, or to
We are pleased to have return Andy Sutton, Economist
and Chief Market Strategist for Sutton and Associates.
Andy will discuss the status of our economic affairs.
We welcome your calls toll-free (888) 773-4496.
To listen, go to, or to
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Capitulation or Deja Vu All Over Again
Thursday, November 11th, 6:30am, cst
Now that the November election is over, we are starting
to hear "not exactly" out of the mouths of the elected.
I'd like to discuss this further. Call in with your opinion by
toll-free (888) 773-4496.
To listen, go to, or to
Now that the November election is over, we are starting
to hear "not exactly" out of the mouths of the elected.
I'd like to discuss this further. Call in with your opinion by
toll-free (888) 773-4496.
To listen, go to, or to
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Conversation with Legendary Paul Jacobs
Thursday, November 4th, 6:30 am, cdt
Paul Jacobs is President of Citizens In Charge. He
is in my opinion, the ultimate activist and defender
of citizen rights. He has placed himself in peril to
defend the right that are rightfully our, not some
bureaucrats. Awarded the "Charlton Heston Courage
Under Fire" Award from the CPAC and named "rising
star in politics" by Campaigns & Elections magazine.
He has received the Society for Individual Liberty's Phoenix
award and dubbed by "The Best and the Rightist" by
National Journal. I read his daily internet commentary
"Common Sense" and am wiser for it. Join us with your
questions or comments (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Paul Jacobs is President of Citizens In Charge. He
is in my opinion, the ultimate activist and defender
of citizen rights. He has placed himself in peril to
defend the right that are rightfully our, not some
bureaucrats. Awarded the "Charlton Heston Courage
Under Fire" Award from the CPAC and named "rising
star in politics" by Campaigns & Elections magazine.
He has received the Society for Individual Liberty's Phoenix
award and dubbed by "The Best and the Rightist" by
National Journal. I read his daily internet commentary
"Common Sense" and am wiser for it. Join us with your
questions or comments (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Rise of Two Economic Classes
Thursday, October 28th, 6:30 am, cdt
Recently, much talk has centered around concerns
that the middle class is shrinkng. This is in fact true,
but I'd like to help visualize this concept. Listen in and
call in (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to You may
simply also call in on the above number. Thank you
for your listenership.
Recently, much talk has centered around concerns
that the middle class is shrinkng. This is in fact true,
but I'd like to help visualize this concept. Listen in and
call in (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to You may
simply also call in on the above number. Thank you
for your listenership.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Trends and Tragedy with Andy Sutton
Wednesday, October 20th, 7:00 pm, cdt
We are pleased to have Andy Sutton return for an
update of economic activity. Andy is the Chief
Strategist for Sutton & Associates from the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Andy is always
insightful, entertaining and most importantly,
educational. Please join us by listening in and
calling with any questions (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to, or
simply call the above number.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Scams and Interventions
Thursday, October 14th, 6:30 am, cdt
I'd like to convey a personal experience that demonstrates
the unintended consequences of government intervention
into the marketplace. Call in with your experiences
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to You may
also simply call the above number and listen in. Either
way, let me hear from you. Thank you.
I'd like to convey a personal experience that demonstrates
the unintended consequences of government intervention
into the marketplace. Call in with your experiences
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to You may
also simply call the above number and listen in. Either
way, let me hear from you. Thank you.
Monday, October 4, 2010
American Values with Eddie Garcia
Wednesday, October 6th, 7:00 pm,cdt
Eddie Garcia is one of my favorite guests. We have
had lively and fun filled discussions although we
may not agree. Please call in and join the debate
which just might center around english as the only
language. Just dial (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Eddie Garcia is one of my favorite guests. We have
had lively and fun filled discussions although we
may not agree. Please call in and join the debate
which just might center around english as the only
language. Just dial (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Who Are We?
Thursday, September 30, 6:30 am, cdt
Let's explore who we are as a nation and see if we can
agree who and what we really are and stand for. I'm
afraid that my conclusion will not be very appealing.
Call in with your version (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to You may
also simply call in to (646) 652-4620 and listen in.
Let's explore who we are as a nation and see if we can
agree who and what we really are and stand for. I'm
afraid that my conclusion will not be very appealing.
Call in with your version (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to You may
also simply call in to (646) 652-4620 and listen in.
Monday, September 20, 2010
There Can Be Only One Set of Facts
Thursday, September 23, 6:30 am, cdt
Last Friday, I attended a Lewis Black Comedy Show
in Oklahoma. He was frustrated with our political
process as there are always two sets of facts when,
in fact, there can only be one. He's right! Let's see
if we can discuss many issues with just one set of
facts that most likely would displease both "sides of
the isle". Listen in and call in this Thursday morning
To listen, go to, or to You may
also simply dail (646) 652-4620 to listen in. Either
way, let me hear from you.
Last Friday, I attended a Lewis Black Comedy Show
in Oklahoma. He was frustrated with our political
process as there are always two sets of facts when,
in fact, there can only be one. He's right! Let's see
if we can discuss many issues with just one set of
facts that most likely would displease both "sides of
the isle". Listen in and call in this Thursday morning
To listen, go to, or to You may
also simply dail (646) 652-4620 to listen in. Either
way, let me hear from you.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Does the Economy Suck? Ask Andy
Wednesday, September 15th, 7:00pm, cdt
We are pleased that Andy Sutton has agreed to be
our guest again give us an analysis and better
understanding of the financial malaise we find
ourselves in. Andy is Chief Investment Strategist
for Sutton Associates in the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. His online newsletter "My Two Cents
Online" is made available free and a must read for
those who are interested in protecting their assets.
Join us by calling (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Citizen Initiatives
Wednesday, September 8th, 7:00 pm, cdt
We are pleased to have Mr. Charles Kacprowicz, National
Director of Citizens Initiatives, as our guest. Mr Kacprowicz
will discuss the mission of his organization and the Single
Issue Federal Convention process. Please join us by calling
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
We are pleased to have Mr. Charles Kacprowicz, National
Director of Citizens Initiatives, as our guest. Mr Kacprowicz
will discuss the mission of his organization and the Single
Issue Federal Convention process. Please join us by calling
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Three Little Pigs
Wednesday, September 1st, 7:00 pm, cdt
I don't know about you, but I am getting tired of
listening to all the technical economic jargon which
attempts to explain what caused and how to fix the
economy. Let me weigh in on this subject with my
own interpretation of the economic mess and I'll
even throw in a few other issues at no additional
charge. Don't hesitate to interupt me by calling in
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to You can
also listen in by phone at the number above.
I don't know about you, but I am getting tired of
listening to all the technical economic jargon which
attempts to explain what caused and how to fix the
economy. Let me weigh in on this subject with my
own interpretation of the economic mess and I'll
even throw in a few other issues at no additional
charge. Don't hesitate to interupt me by calling in
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to You can
also listen in by phone at the number above.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Fathers Rights Issues
Wednesday, August 25th, 7:00 pm, cdt
To listen, go to www.LibertyTalk, or to
We are pleased to have Mr. Andrew Thompson, Attorney,
practicing in Indianapolis, Indiana as our guest Wednesday
evening to discuss fathers rights issues, denying the rights
to equal access to their children. Not only do custody laws
favor mothers, but the IRS, the welfare system, as well a
plethora of unconstitutional legislation exasperates the issue.
This issue touches on the rights of father and children alike
demanding more attention by our legislators. Listen in and
call in with your questions and comments (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to www.LibertyTalk, or to
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Economic Update with Andy Sutton
Wednesday, August 18th, 7:00 pm, cdt
Returning to our program for a monthly update
of economic conditions is Andy Sutton, Chief
Investment Advisor, Sutton Associates,
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I can't
wait! Call in with questions (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Dr. Elaina George On Gulf Oil Toxicity
Wednesday, August 11th, 7:00 pm, cdt
We are pleased to have Dr. Elaina George, Board
Certified Otolaryngologist, return to our program.
Dr. George will discuss the possible health effects
of the Gulf Oil spill as well as the appointment of
Dr. Donald Berwick, head of the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid. Please join us by calling
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Thursday, August 5, 2010
An Interview with Libertarian Legend Don Meinshausen
Sunday, August 8th, 7:00, cdt
We are pleased that Don has agreed to be our
guest this Sunday. Don is mentioned in four books
about the 60's, helped found the current libertarian
movement, currently writing about libertarian
strategy, tax revolts, Asian Goddesses, and humor.
Don subscribes to the proposition that the discovery
of liberty is a discovery of oneself. Call in with your
questions (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Monday, August 2, 2010
Liberty, Honesty, and Beliefs
Wednesday, August 4th, 7:00 pm, cdt
It was my error in scheduling that resulted in Don
Meinshausen not calling in this evening. I did rant
for an hour with two call-ins. The discussion centered
around how honesty is required to discuss and solve the
problems that face us today. I will reschedule Don for
this Sunday if he is available.
To listen, go to, or to
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Other Side of Unemployment Benefit Legislation
Thursday, July 29th, 8:00 pm, cdt
Can we discuss the other side of this issue? It
seems that we are reluctant to discuss the less
comfortable or politically incorrect side of
unemployment benefits. As F. A. Hayek would say,
"the unseen". Please call with your opinion,
rebuttal and comments (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Lastly, we will be broadcasting live on Wednesday
for the first three weeks of each month, but due to
conflict in my schedule, the fourth week will be on
Monday, July 19, 2010
Financial Update with Andy Sutton
Wednesday, July 21st, 8:30 pm, cdt
We are pleased that Andy Sutton, Chief Strategist
for Sutton Associates, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
will be our guest. Andy is an economist with his pulse
on the work financial market. He will help us understand
the current state of international affairs and possibly
what we can expect. Call in with your questions
(646) 652-4620.
We are pleased that Andy Sutton, Chief Strategist
for Sutton Associates, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
will be our guest. Andy is an economist with his pulse
on the work financial market. He will help us understand
the current state of international affairs and possibly
what we can expect. Call in with your questions
(646) 652-4620.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
It's All About Jobs, Not Really
Thursday, July 15th, 8:00 pm, cdt
We hear snippets from elected officials, political
pundits, and radio talk show hosts about more jobs
will solve our economic woes. Well, surprisingly
their wrong. Let's discuss this issue together with a
host of other accepted verbiage that is supposedly
affecting our nation. Call in with your opinion
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
We hear snippets from elected officials, political
pundits, and radio talk show hosts about more jobs
will solve our economic woes. Well, surprisingly
their wrong. Let's discuss this issue together with a
host of other accepted verbiage that is supposedly
affecting our nation. Call in with your opinion
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Different Perspective on Immigratrion
Thursday, July 8th, 8:00 pm, cdt
I've heard enough about the immigration issue from
the political right and left. They both miss the point.
But that is nothing new. Let's discuss the core issue
which is conveniently being ignored. Call in with
your opinion (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I Can't Take It Anymore!
Thursday, June 24th, 4:00 pm, cdt
I has been some time now since I reverterd back to my
original format of talking the issues to the core. Since
my guest this week is unable to make it until July 1st,
I will take this opportunity to rant. And I will rant. Please
listen in and call in (646) 652-4620.
To listen go to, or to
I has been some time now since I reverterd back to my
original format of talking the issues to the core. Since
my guest this week is unable to make it until July 1st,
I will take this opportunity to rant. And I will rant. Please
listen in and call in (646) 652-4620.
To listen go to, or to
Monday, June 21, 2010
A Thinking Person's Paper: The Good American Post
Thursday, July 1st, 4:00 pm, cdt
We are pleased to have Ms. Tisha Casida as our guest.
Tisha is the publisher of "The Good American Post",
a non partisan paper intended to educate the reader
and win people over to the tenets of liberty, free markets
and true sustainability. Please join us by calling in with
your questions (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
We are pleased to have Ms. Tisha Casida as our guest.
Tisha is the publisher of "The Good American Post",
a non partisan paper intended to educate the reader
and win people over to the tenets of liberty, free markets
and true sustainability. Please join us by calling in with
your questions (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Sunday, June 13, 2010
English As the Only Language
Wednesday, June 16th, 3:00 pm, cdt
We are pleased to have Mr. Eddie Garcia return to update
us on his quest to have English adopted as our only
language. I have also invited Ms. Lynn Atherton Bloxham
to present the opposing view. This is shaping up to be an
informative and lively program. Call in with your two
cents (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
We are pleased to have Mr. Eddie Garcia return to update
us on his quest to have English adopted as our only
language. I have also invited Ms. Lynn Atherton Bloxham
to present the opposing view. This is shaping up to be an
informative and lively program. Call in with your two
cents (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Financial Trends and Analysis
Thursday, June 10th, 7:00, cdt
We are pleased that Andy Sutton, Chief Investment Strategist
for Sutton & Associates, has agreed to return to our show for
an update of the world financial crisis. It's been only a couple
of weeks since we had Andy on the show, however, things
seems to be accelerating at an alarming pace. Let's get
clarification of world financial events directly from an economist
who can explain the situation in a language we can all
understand. Join in by calling (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
We are pleased that Andy Sutton, Chief Investment Strategist
for Sutton & Associates, has agreed to return to our show for
an update of the world financial crisis. It's been only a couple
of weeks since we had Andy on the show, however, things
seems to be accelerating at an alarming pace. Let's get
clarification of world financial events directly from an economist
who can explain the situation in a language we can all
understand. Join in by calling (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
What Do Seniors Really Think?
Thursday, June 3rd, 4:00 pm, cdt
We are pleased to have Mr. Kendall Irvin as our guest.
Kendall is a musical humorist who works with the senior
community. He will share with us what seniors really
think about what is going on. This should prove to be
an insightful and entertaining program. Please join us
and call with your questions (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
We are pleased to have Mr. Kendall Irvin as our guest.
Kendall is a musical humorist who works with the senior
community. He will share with us what seniors really
think about what is going on. This should prove to be
an insightful and entertaining program. Please join us
and call with your questions (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Virtues, Values, Politics and Religion
Thursday, May 27th, 4:00 pm, cdt
We are pleased Mr. M. D. Roe will be our guest
this Thursday. He is a libertarian and an atheist, but
don't let that scare you. This will not be a discussion
of separation of church and state, but rather one of
politics and religion. Regardless of your religious or
political persuasion, you do not what to miss this
discussion. You may visit his blog Please join us by calling
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Andy Sutton and the World of Financial Chaos
Friday, May 21st, 7:00, cdt
We are pleased to have as our guest Andy Sutton,
Chief Strategist for Sutton Associates, a registered
investment advisor in the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. Andy will try to make sense out of
what is going on around the world financially, all
of which affects each of us. Call in with your
questions (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Plight of the Veteran
Friday, May 14th, 4:00 pm, cdt
We are pleased to have Mr. James L. Rhodes as
our guest, an accomplished person to say the least,
who is also a veteran who is obtaining needed
health treatments outside the United States. He is
well versed in veteran health issues and the system
that veterans are subject to. Please join us by calling
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Candidate Cecil Ince Defender of Liberty
Friday, May 7th, 4:00 pm, cdt
Mr. Cecil Ince, Libertarian Candidate for the Texas 105th
Congressional District, will be our guest. He is a Jeffersonian
who would like to discuss how libertarian principles can be
promoted locally for the benefit of the state.
To listen, go to, or to
Mr. Cecil Ince, Libertarian Candidate for the Texas 105th
Congressional District, will be our guest. He is a Jeffersonian
who would like to discuss how libertarian principles can be
promoted locally for the benefit of the state.
To listen, go to, or to
Monday, April 26, 2010
Jimmy Stewart Is Dead
Thursday, April 29th, 1:00, cdt
This is the title of a book by Laurence Kotlikoff, Professor
of Economics at Boston University. This is a definitive work
on the financial crisis and how to ensure that it never happens
again. Professor Kotlikoff has written that the economic future
is bleak for the U.S. without tax, healthcare and Social Security
reform in his book The Coming Generational Storm. Please
join us with your questions by calling (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
This is the title of a book by Laurence Kotlikoff, Professor
of Economics at Boston University. This is a definitive work
on the financial crisis and how to ensure that it never happens
again. Professor Kotlikoff has written that the economic future
is bleak for the U.S. without tax, healthcare and Social Security
reform in his book The Coming Generational Storm. Please
join us with your questions by calling (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Interview with Rob McNealy
Friday, April 23rd, 5:00 pm, cdt
Rob McNealy is a candidate for the U.S. House of
Representatives in Colorado's 6th District. He has
earned the Libertarian Party of Colorado nomination
for CD6. Rob is a businessman and community
activist. Join us by calling (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Rob McNealy is a candidate for the U.S. House of
Representatives in Colorado's 6th District. He has
earned the Libertarian Party of Colorado nomination
for CD6. Rob is a businessman and community
activist. Join us by calling (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Friday, April 16, 2010
We Want Our Jobs Back
Friday, April 16th, 3:00 pm, cdt
This has become a political battle cry. What what
do they mean by this? Are we blaming various
government programs or international agreements,
or possibly just simply greedy business. Let's take a
look at this more closely. Call in with your opinion
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
We Want Our Jobs Back
Thursday, April 8th, 11:30 am, cdt
Broadcast cancelled due to technical difficulties. We
will notify you of our next broadcast. We apologize for
this inconvenience which is unfortunately beyond our
Broadcast cancelled due to technical difficulties. We
will notify you of our next broadcast. We apologize for
this inconvenience which is unfortunately beyond our
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Tea Party Phonomenon
Friday, April 2nd, 6:30 am, cdt
Let's discuss this latest revolt by the tax paying public.
A difficult movement to describe for sure. Please call
in with your opinion (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Let's discuss this latest revolt by the tax paying public.
A difficult movement to describe for sure. Please call
in with your opinion (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Why Public Schools?
Thursday, March 25th, 2:00 pm, cdt
The answer to this question may surprise you. In fact, if
you are concerned about political correctness, you may
not want to tune in. Otherwise, listen and call in with
your opinion (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
The answer to this question may surprise you. In fact, if
you are concerned about political correctness, you may
not want to tune in. Otherwise, listen and call in with
your opinion (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Economic Update with Andy Sutton
Monday, March 22nd, 7:00 am, cdt
Our guest, Andrew W. Sutton, MBA, is the Chief Market
Strategist for Sutton & Associates. Andy graduated
with honors in economics and is a graduatge member
of Omicon Delta Epsilon Honor Society in Economis.
He is the author of the weekly economic commentary
"My Two Cents". Andy will update us on the current
state of economic affairs. Please join us by calling
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Our guest, Andrew W. Sutton, MBA, is the Chief Market
Strategist for Sutton & Associates. Andy graduated
with honors in economics and is a graduatge member
of Omicon Delta Epsilon Honor Society in Economis.
He is the author of the weekly economic commentary
"My Two Cents". Andy will update us on the current
state of economic affairs. Please join us by calling
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Mandatory Auto Insurance
Thursday, March 18th, 6:30 am, cdt
This regulation is one that appears to make sense,
or does it? Let's discuss this further while allowing
me to rant on a few other topics. Call in with your
opinion (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
This regulation is one that appears to make sense,
or does it? Let's discuss this further while allowing
me to rant on a few other topics. Call in with your
opinion (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Political Doublespeak
Thursday, March 11th, 6:30 am, cdt
(Still down with the flu. Will try a Thursday broadcast.
My apologies. This has been a rough one.)
So you think you know what your politician is saying.
Let's see if I can put some doubt into your mind. Call
with your opinion (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
(Still down with the flu. Will try a Thursday broadcast.
My apologies. This has been a rough one.)
So you think you know what your politician is saying.
Let's see if I can put some doubt into your mind. Call
with your opinion (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Illogical Political Rhetoric
Thursday, February 25th,6:30 am, cst
This is our first broadcast in two months. Our absence has
been a result of updating all our broadcasting programs and
equipment. Not fun! I truly missed broadcasting the show,
but had to upgrade, or be left with inferior sound quality with
the increasing risk of downtime.
So on this broadcast I ask if you ever wonder why people
are confused about whom to vote for? I used to be, but not
now that I critic what they say. I have become a full-blown
skeptic and proud of it. (Sounds like a good bumper sticker
saying). It's actually referred to as critical thinking, an
unfortunate casualty of current political dialogue and a
dying art in America. Let's explore this together call
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
This is our first broadcast in two months. Our absence has
been a result of updating all our broadcasting programs and
equipment. Not fun! I truly missed broadcasting the show,
but had to upgrade, or be left with inferior sound quality with
the increasing risk of downtime.
So on this broadcast I ask if you ever wonder why people
are confused about whom to vote for? I used to be, but not
now that I critic what they say. I have become a full-blown
skeptic and proud of it. (Sounds like a good bumper sticker
saying). It's actually referred to as critical thinking, an
unfortunate casualty of current political dialogue and a
dying art in America. Let's explore this together call
(646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Broadcasting This Week - Stay Tuned
We anticipate that the station will be up and running this week. Thursday morning should be our first broadcast since January. We have installed all updated equipment that the technicians have found a way to make them talk with each other. I can't wait to get back on the air.
The only change is that we will stream the broadcast up until the session is placed in the archives. At that point, you may retrieve the show from the archives as it will no longer be streaming. This will allow me to turn the server and computer off which will lengthen the life of the new equipment. Also, I don't have to worry about power surges that take down the station temporarily.
Hope this all works out. Thanks for your patience.
The only change is that we will stream the broadcast up until the session is placed in the archives. At that point, you may retrieve the show from the archives as it will no longer be streaming. This will allow me to turn the server and computer off which will lengthen the life of the new equipment. Also, I don't have to worry about power surges that take down the station temporarily.
Hope this all works out. Thanks for your patience.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Technical Problems Continue to Plague the Station
This is to inform my listeners that the technical problems
that I have experienced during the last five weeks
continue. In fact, they have gotten worse after all the
technical work done at the station by audio and computer
experts. I could not be more frustrated.
I have ordered a completely new computer which is being
designed and programmed for broadcasting only.
Understand that I do not accept contributions, nor do I
allow advertisers on my broadcast to defray the cost of
operation. I broadcast because I feel a need to and
enjoy it.
I know I have lost a considerable number of listeners, but
I intend to work to regain my listenership. We should be
back on the air next week as the new equipment is
scheduled to arrive later this week. Thank you for your
understanding and patience.
that I have experienced during the last five weeks
continue. In fact, they have gotten worse after all the
technical work done at the station by audio and computer
experts. I could not be more frustrated.
I have ordered a completely new computer which is being
designed and programmed for broadcasting only.
Understand that I do not accept contributions, nor do I
allow advertisers on my broadcast to defray the cost of
operation. I broadcast because I feel a need to and
enjoy it.
I know I have lost a considerable number of listeners, but
I intend to work to regain my listenership. We should be
back on the air next week as the new equipment is
scheduled to arrive later this week. Thank you for your
understanding and patience.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Stimulating the Economy
Thursday, January 28th, 6:30 am, cst
The daily news is replete with articles about government
efforts to stimulating the economy. The President is being
portrayed as the indispensable force behind these efforts.
Let's take a moment to reflect on this flurry of activity
together with other pressing current issues. Call in with
your opinion (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
www.BlogTalkRadio. com/LibertyTalkRadio.
The daily news is replete with articles about government
efforts to stimulating the economy. The President is being
portrayed as the indispensable force behind these efforts.
Let's take a moment to reflect on this flurry of activity
together with other pressing current issues. Call in with
your opinion (646) 652-4620.
To listen, go to, or to
www.BlogTalkRadio. com/LibertyTalkRadio.
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