Saturday, December 26, 2009

The European Safety Net Fallacy

Thursday, December 31st, 6:30 am, cst

In political as well as economic dialogue, we hear so
called educated experts and pundits make reference
to the European safety net. It is always used as a
superior economic policy that we, as a people, are
just too greedy to implement here. I'd like to discuss
this fallacy, the details of which radio and TV talk
show hosts are reluctant to touch. Call in with your
opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Confused? You Are Not Alone.

Thursday, December 24th, 6:30 am, cst

Anger is building. Frustration is growing. People just
don't understand what is going on, nor how to deal with
it. Maybe it would help if everyone was on the same
page, so to speak, by understanding that what is going
on is nothing new. Moreover, do no expect a change.
Let's discuss this environment in an attempt to decrease
the frustration factor. Call in with your opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Omniscient President

Thursday, December 17th, 6:30 am, cst

Let's thank our luck star that we elected a president with
universal knowledge and understanding. Where would
American industry and finance be without him. I'd like
to comment on this further and read some listener emails
that I thought had particularly good content. Join us by
calling with comments (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Friday, December 4, 2009

Human Nature and War

Thursday, December 10th, 6:30 am, cst

There have been many philosophical discussions
regarding the inevitable nature of war and how it
is part of the human nature. I'd like to weigh in
on this subject in addition to a brief rant regarding
the Tiger Woods incident. Tune in and weigh in
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just Follow the Money

Thursday, December 3rd, 6:30 am, cst

We often engage in conversations about how political
decisions are made. The answer typically becomes
painfully clear once you follow the money. Let's discuss
this further. Call in with your opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Autonomy vs. Slavery

Thursday, November 26th, 6:30 am, cst

This is an important attribute of free people. Have
we lost it, are we slowly losing it, what is it anyway?
Also, is television stripping us of our autonomy?
Tune, chime in on Thursday morning, yes, that is
Thanksgiving (646) 652-4620. Happy Thanksgiving
to all.

To listen, go to www.LibertyTalkRadio. com, or to

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Anarchy In All of Us

Thursday, November 19, 6:30 cst

Anarchy has been given a bum rap. To a certain
extent, we are all anarchist. Let's explore this
concept and how it relates to our liberty. Call
with your opinion (646) -652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Occupation of the U.S.

Monday, November 16th, 5:00 pm, cst

We are pleased to have Phillip Hathaway, author of
"The Romantic Struggle", as well as other fine works,
as our returned guest.
However, don't make the title of
his book fool you. Phillip
very cleverly weaves an analogy
with the current state of
affairs. He will give us a perspective
of our national
dilemma. Join us by calling (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Health Care Reform

Thursday, November 12, 6:30 cst

Let's discuss the Health Care Reform package passd
by the House of Representatives. We should all
be concerned, I know I am. Call in with your opinion
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Occupation of the U. S.

Monday, November 9th, 5:00 pm, cst

We were unable to complete this broadcast as
server problems
interrupted the connection.
We will reschedule for next Monday.
We apologize
for the inconvenience and hope we can get this

cleared up for our Thursday morning broadcast.

We are pleased to have as our return guest,
Phil Hathaway, author of "The Romantic Struggle".
However, don't make the title
fool you. Phil very
cleverly draws an analogy
with the state of affairs.
He will give
us his perspective of our current national
dilemma. Join us by calling (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Economy Defined ll

Thursday, November 5th, 6:30 am, cdt

I am not able to stop thinking about this subject, so I
decided to continue where we left off last Thursday.
Join me in defining the concept of "The Economy". It
seems that only the highly educated and credentialed

can tell us what it is, but to date they have all been
wrong. Call in with your thoughts (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Economy Defined

Thursday, October 29th, 6:30 am, cdt

We hear politicians and pundits refer to the economy.
What do they mean? What is meant by the economy
and how do you regulate it? Quite frankly, I've never
seen an economy. Let's discuss this further. You may
call in with your views (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Controversy

Tuesday, October 27th, 6:00 pm, cdt

Let's get the opinion of an expert. I've heard all I can handle
from both camps on this issue. Elaina F. George, M.D. has
graciously agreed to take time out of her busy
schedule to
help set the record straight. Amen! She has
experience with the business of healthcare,
reform, and the subject of wellness. She is
a medical
correspondent and contributor to various multi-
outlets. Among her litany of affiliations, she is
with the American Board of Otolaryngology.
Call in with
your questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Monday, October 19, 2009

Identifying Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or Whomever

Thursday, October 22nd, 6:30 am, cdt

Who are these enemies of America? We hear statements
such as, "We're fighting them there, so that we don't have
to fight them here". How would they do that? But more
importantly, why? Quite frankly, I'm confused. Let's discuss
this very sensitive and critical subject, hopefully, without

conveying the wrong message. If you have an answer,
please call in and let me know (646) 652-4620. Thanks.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Economic Solution - Home Economics

Thursday, October 15th, 6:30 am

Let's explore how some plain old-fashion home economics
can strengthen our individual economies.
As a result, the
entire country may be better off.
Call in with your opinion
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Where Are We Now?

Thursday, October 8th, 6:30 am, cdt

Let's take a look at where we are now on the economic
front. The main stream media continues to lean toward
recovery, while most economic are uncertain, or somewhat
pessimistic about the future. Call in with your opinion
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who Do You Hate?

Thursday, October 1st, 6:30 am, cdt

There certainly seems to be a lot of hate going on.
Why? Is it that we are a bad peoples? I don't think
so, but I also have hunch who to blame and why.
Listen in and chime in (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Free Market Solutions

Thursday, September 24th, 6:30 am, cdt

In between my rants, I will attempt to answer some
emails; one in particular regarding the health care
issue. I will also touch upon approaches to avoid in
discussing the libertarian philosophy. Tune in and
chime in (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Economics 101

Thursday, September 17th, 6:30 am, cdt

Let's talk basics. the government rhetoric is getting
out of hand to a point that we just don't know what
to think. Maybe a lesson in Economics 101 would
help. Join in by calling (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Health Care Misunderstood

Thursday, September 10th, 6:30 am, cdt

Most people have a perspective on the health care issue
that does not take into consideration the fundamental
basics of what health is, or what a health care system
should be in a free market society. Maybe I can put this
to rest once and for all. Tune in and call in with your
opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Note: Just a reminder that we have discontinued our
Sunday evening broadcast.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sunday Evening Broadcasts

It is with regret that to announce that I will be unable
to continue with the scheduled Sunday evening

However, I will continue with the
usual Thursday morning
show which airs at 6:30 and repeated during the week until
the next live broadcast.
This may also change depending
on the feedback
I receive from my listeners.

Sundays as well as other times during the week may be
available for special broadcasts from
time-to-time as well
as for prearranged guests.

The station will be available for special for broadcasts at
any other time during the week depending
on content and
urgency of the message.

I have been broadcasting Sunday evenings for over three
years now and it will be an adjustment for me as well, but
one that needs to be made.

I truly benefited by all those who listened and participated
both as invited guests and call-ins. I will treasure this
experience always.

I welcome you feedback, opinions and suggests on how I may
best serve internet radio listeners. Thank you all so much.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

To Promote the General Welfare

Thursday, August 27th, 6:30 am, cdt

This clause is in our Constitution, but what does it really
mean? Can this be interpreted as giving the power to
the Feds to redistribute income as a means of financing
these objectives? What's your opinion? (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Solving Core Problems and the Cash for Clunber Scam

Sunday, August 23rd, 7:00 pm, cdt

I'd like to finish my rant from Thursday mornings
broadcast regarding the omniscience of government
officials then take a critical look at the Cash for Clunker
scam with an eye on it's unseen consequences.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Core Problem Solving

Thursday, August 20, 2009, cdt

Allow me to rant on government proposals to solve
everything that ails us without addressing the core
problem. As a result, the government solution
exacerbates the problem, and at the same time
institutionalizes it. Please rant with me by calling
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Solution to the Senior Care Crisis Part ll

Sunday, August 16th, 7:00 pm. cdt

This week we will have Mr. Randy Boyd, Executive
Director together with Mr. Vern Hawkins, Associate
Director, of the 2B Foundation. We will get a further
into how the foundation intends assisting
the elder in
their late years. Call in with your questions
or comments
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Misguided Health Care Debate

Thursday, August 13, 6:30 am, cdt

We have heard more than our share of the national
health care issue. Let's put it in perspective. Call
in with your opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Solution to the Senior Care Crisis

Sunday, August 9th, 7:00 pm, cdt

Dr. William Leonhardt will be joining us once again to
wrap up this segment of the elder health care crisis.
We will hear free market solutions which will be
promoted worldwide. Join us and call with your
questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Romantic Struggle: A Call for Defiance Against a Dictatorship

Thursday, August 6th, 6:30 am, cdt

We are pleased to have Mr. Phillip Hathaway as our
guest. He is the author of several books including
"The Romantic Struggle and Other Celebrated Stories".
One of the stories in his book will be the topic of
, that is, a call for hope in defiance of
It is a call for culture; a call for reason
all in defiance of
dictatorship. This should be an
interesting perspective for our
listeners. Call in with
your questions, or commments
(646) 652-4620.

To listen,go to, or to

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Senior Crisis In America

Sunday, August 2nd, 7:00 pm, cdt

Dr. William Leonhardt will return to discuss an innovative
solution to the senior health care crisis which we may
have to face, if we are lucky enough to live that long.

in and call in with your questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Who"s To Blame?

Thursday, July 24th, 6:30 am, cdt

We are being promised an improved economy, health
care reform, smaller more efficient government, and
so on. This is not happening. Who is to blame? Let's
discuss the reality of this situation. Call in with your
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Friday, July 24, 2009

Rational Economics -The Elder Solution Part ll

Sunday, July 26th, 7:00 pm, cdt

We are pleased to have Dr. William Leonhardt
return to discussion solutions to the elder care
crisis. Please call in with your questions
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Airplanes of 911`

Thursday, July 23rd, 6:30 am, cdt

We are privileged to have Captain Russ Wittenberg
as our guest. Russ served as a pilot in Vietnam and
a commercial airline pilot who flew Boeing 757 and 767
aircraft. These were the model aircraft that crashed into
the World Trade Center as well as the
Pentagon, or so
we are told. He will discuss his
assessment of what
happened on September 11th.
I am curious as a cat
and so should you. Join us by
calling with your questions
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Friday, July 17, 2009

Rational Economics - The Elder Solution

Sunday, July 19th, 7:00 pm, cdt

Dr. William Leonhardt, Founder of the 2B Foundation,
will return to start a discussion on what he envisions
as a solution to the ever increasing elder care crisis,
domestically and internationally. This is a event that
will affect all of us one way or another. Don't miss this
episode. Call in with your questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Did Government Bailouts Save the Railroads?

Thursday, July 16th, 6:30 am, cdt

We will have a listener call in to defend the government
bailout of the auto industry based on his experience with
the government bailout of the railroads many years ago.
Since I know little about the railroad industry, this should
be an interesting discussion. I am anxious to hear what
he has to say. Please join us and call in (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Elder Crisis - Pathway to a Solution

Sunday, July 12th, 7:00 pm, cdt

Dr. William Leonhardt will return with his description
of the elder health care crisis. In this segment, he
will enlighten us with the pathways to a solution. The
subject is critical to everyone, young and old. Please
join us and call with your questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to,or to

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What Happened to the Free Market

Thursday, July 9th, 6:30 am, cdt

With all the government stimuli, bailouts, and guarantees,
what happens to the free market? How does government
interference help insure a prosperous future when conditions
are controlled and elements of risk guaranteed by someone
with no stake in the transaction? Let's discuss this further
in addition to commenting on Sunday's broadcast
regarding the global senior citizen emerging crisis. Call in
with your comments (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Friday, July 3, 2009

Blockbuster Interview with 2B Foundation on the Global Senior Citizen Crisis

Sunday, July 5th, 7:00 pm, cdt

We are please to have as our guest Mr. William Leonhardt,
Founder of the 2B Foundation. This organization attempts
to solve the problems of those
facing their latter years of
life without government
intervention. A task to be admired
for sure. Mr. Leonhardt
will discuss the issues facing our
aging population together
with solutions that he sees are
viable on an international
scale. Please join us by calling
(646) 652-4620 with your
questions and comments.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

English As the Offical Language: The Sequel

Thursday, July 2nd, 6:30 am, cdt

We had a terrific interview with Eddie Garcia on the
of adopting English as the official language.
We were actually
in agreement, but for different reasons.
I would like to expand
on this interview to discuss how
government intrusion bifurcates
the American public.
This will not be a rebuttal, but simply an
expansion of
our high spirited program. Call in with your opinion

(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Thursday, June 25, 2009

English As the Official Language

Sunday, June 28th, 7:00 pm, cdt

We are pleased to have Eddie V. Garcia as our guest
who is an advocate of adopting English as the official
language of the United States. This should be a
lively debate, so call in and don't be afraid to chime
in (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cash for Clunker Program ll

Thursday, June 25th, 6:30 am, cdt

Let's continue our discussion of the Cash for Clunker
Program being promoted by our legislators as an
effort to boost the auto industry, thus the economy.
Call in with your opinions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Interview with Mr. Matt Hawes on H.R. 1207

Sunday, Jun 21st, 7:00 pm, cdt

We have changed our broadcast time this Sunday
and possibly permanently to 7:00 pm. We hope
this is a more convenient time for my listeners.

This Sunday we are pleased to have as our guest,
Mr. Matt Hawes, Vice President Programs with
the Campaign for Liberty. He will discuss House
Bill 1207, also known as the Federal Reserve
Transparency Act, sponsored by Rep. Ron Paul.
This is slated to be a very informative broadcast.
Call in with you questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Monday, June 15, 2009

Cash for Clunker Program

Thursday, June 18th, 6:30 am, cdt

Let's discuss this popular government handout with
some critical logic. Call in with you perspective
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pathways to Peace

Sunday, June 14th, 8:00 pm, cdt

Interview with Mr. Michael Johnson, United Nations
Representative to Pathways to Peace. He works
nationally and internationally promoting a culture of peace.
Please join
us by calling (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Self-Administered Health Care

Thursday, June 11th, 6:30 am, cdt

We all hear about the health care crisis. but is there
anything we can do for ourselves. I will depart from
our usual commentary with a discussion of what we
are being lead to believe that may be harmful to us
and costly to society. Call in with your opinion
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Friday, June 5, 2009

Interview with Sherry Clark, Publisher of The Liberty Voice

Sunday, June 7th, 8:00 pm, cdt

We are pleased that Ms. Sherry Clark,
of The Liberty Voice, has accepted the invitation
to be our guest. This
publication is a fiercely
independent newspaper
which features national
news and commentary. It's
mission is to educate,
give voice to the silenced and
restore the Constitution.
Ms. Clark will talk about
her many experiences as an
activist and what she
thinks has worked well as what
does not. If you want
to make the most of your activist
resources of time
and money, you do not want to miss
this show. Visit

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Core Problem

Thursday, June 4th, 6:30 am, cdt

It seems that our country is faced with a multitude of
problems. In fact, it seems that everything is at least
part of a problem. Is there a reason for this? Let's
discuss a perspective, hopefully with your input. Call
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Fixing the Economy

Sunday, May 31st, 8:00 pm, cdt

President Obama assures us that he can fix the economy.
does he mean by that? Can we even identify what
the economy is?
I'll discuss this miraculous feat and
encourage you to call in with
your comments by calling
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More About Green Coecrion

Thursday, May 28th, 6:30 am, cdt

I haven't finish my rant on the adverse affects of forcing
people and businesses to go "green" by the Fed. A
of course, to save the planet from ourselves.
Let's continue
where I left off last Thursday. Let me hear
your take on this subject (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Interview with Dale Hemphill, Designer of the Spirit of America Flag

Sunday, May 24th, 8:00 pm, cdt

We are privileged to have as our guest the designer of
the "Spirit of America" flag; Old Glory's companion.
Dale will share with us the history, contribution and
tribulations of a flag that honors veterans and heroes
from the Revolutionary War to the present, including
those who lost their lives on 9/11. Please join us and
feel free to call with any questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Going Green Going Broke

Thursday, May 21st, 6:30 am, cdt

We hear rumbling from Washington that we should go
"green" to save the planet. There are no shortage of
government programs that Washington would like to
initiate at the citizens expense. But should government
be leading the charge? I don't think so and I'll tell you
why. Call in with your opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Discussion with Mr. Mike Rivero

Sunday, May 17th, 8:00 pm, cdt

We are pleased to have as our guest Mr. Mike Rivero,
Radio Talk Show Host of "What Really Happened". We
will discuss current issues and how they affect you. We
anticipate this to be a lively, fast moving program, so
don't miss it. Call in with your questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What Constitution?

Thursday, May 14th, 6:30 am, cdt

It no longer surprises me when an elected official refers to
the qualifications of an individual for a particular job or
office, but understanding the tenets of the Constitution is
never a consideration. Let's talk about this and other
government propaganda. Call in with your favorite
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Frank Discussion with Ms. Devvy Kidd

Sunday, May 10th, 8:00 pm, cdt

We are pleased to have as our guest Ms. Devvy Kidd.
Devvy is a journalist, lecturer, activist, and author of
"Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty". Call
in with your questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Conspiracy Theories and Other Government Nonsense

Thursday, May 7th, 6:30 am, cdt

Instant communications alert us of conspiracy theories
almost daily. Are any of these true? Why so many? Let's

explore this current phenomenon together with other
current topics. Call in with your opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Discussion With Mike Rivero

Sunday, May 3rd, 8:00 pm, cdt

We originally expect to have Mr. Mike Rivero
as our guest, but that was not to be unfortunately.
We have rescheduled Mike for Sunday, May 17th.

We substituted with a discussion on the need for

universal health care in a society that was healthy
and not in the pathetic shape Americans are in.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Big Scam

Thursday, April 30th, 6:30 am, cdt

What we hear from elected officials sounds so good.
Everything they say and do is always for the people, but
we all know that this is not historically true. Let's explore
this further. Call in with your pet peeve
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mr. Bob Heft: Designer of the 50 Star American Flag

Sunday, April 26th, 8:00 pm, cdt

We are delighted to have Mr. Bob Heft as our guest.
Mr. Heft is the designer of the 50 star American flag.
His story is educational, inspirational, motivating, and
as I found, captivating. Please join us in listening to this
great American and call in with questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Doing Nothing Is Not An Option

Thursday, April 23rd, 6:30 am, cdt

Our elected officials tell us that doing nothing is not an
option, but is it true? When they say that do they mean
to do what they propose? Also, can we disagree with
with the President? Let's discuss these plus other
current issues on Thursday morning. Call in with your
opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Interview with Candidate R.J. Harris

Sunday, April 19th, 8:00 pm, cdt

Mr. R.J. Harris is the Republican candidate for
U. S. Congress, Fourth Congressional District,
State of Oklahoma. Mr. Harris is a freedom fighter.
The cornerstone to his campaign is "Restoring the
Republic, the Constitution, and Oklahoma Sovereignty.
Please join us by calling (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spending to Save the Economy

Thursday, April 16th, 6:30 am, cdt

We hear this mantra over and over again by our
elected officials. But is it true? Let's discuss this
critical issue to our nation and its associated
affect on the economy.

To listen, go to, or to

Friday, April 10, 2009

Foreign Aid and Other Interventions

Sunday, April 12th, 8:00 pm, cdt

We attempted to discuss spending our way out
of this financial debacle, but received calls concerning
foreign intervention, both in the form of aid and
military assistance to the people. This was a critical
issue so we went with it and decided to defer our
original broadcast. We will broacast spending and
the economy on Thursday morning at 6:30 am.

To listen, go to, or to

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Moral Imperative

Thursday, April 9th, 6:30 am, cdt

What is our moral obligation to send money and
troops overseas? Call in with your
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Libertarian Foreign Policy

Sunday, April 5th, 8:00 pm, cdt

We'll take call-ins on this subject. Are foreign intanglements
Call with your opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Drug Wars with Mexico

Thursday, April 2nd, 6:30 am, cdt

The Mexican drug wars, which are spilling into the States,
has justifiably been receiving much media attention. The
solutions thus far have centered around increasing law
enforcement including the use of the National Guard and
even the U. S. military. Let's discuss an alternative point
of view. Call in with your opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jack Blood Speaks Out

Sunday, March 29th, 8:00 pm, cdt

We are honored to have Mr. Jack Blood as our guest.
Mr. Blood is a renowned radio talk show host and
investigative reporter. He will give us his insight into
the current financial crisis and it's relevance to
Don't miss this informative and exciting
Call in with your questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bifurcation and American Dominance

Thursday, March 26th, 6:30 am, cdt

These are two separate and distinct subjects that I
would like to touch on. Are the public giveaway
programs causing citizens to turn on one another?
Is American acting the same way it thought it could
act just after World War II? Call in with you comments
(646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sunday, March 22nd, 8:00 pm, cdt

We are pleased to have Dr. Michael Beitler as our guest.
Dr. Beitler is a leading spokesman for libertarianism, host
of Free Markets With Dr. Mike Beitler on VoiceAmerica
Busniess Network, and author of "Rational Individualism:
A Moral Argument for Limited Government" and "Strategic
Organizational Change" which is required reading in MBA
programs worldwide. Please join us by call (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Systemic Insanity Part ll

Thursday, March 19th, 6:30 am, cdt

I'd like to continue our discussion on the current state
of affairs and how we interpret what we believe to be
reality by the words we choose. Call in with your
opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Systemic Insanity

Sunday, March 15th, 8:00 pm, cdt

We listen relentlessly about the financial crisis. I
contend what we have is a constitutional crisis.
Allow me to sound off on this incorporating recent
events. Call in with your opinion (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

RFID with Dr. Katerine Albrecht

Thursday, March 12th, 6:30 am, cdt

We are pleased to have Dr. Katherine Albrecht as our
Dr. Albrecht is a popular media commentator,
dynamic radio
personality, and author or co-author of
six books and videos
including bestseller "Spychips:
How major corporations and
government plan to track
your every move with RFID".
Please join us by calling
with your questions (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Views From A Paleoconservative

Sunday, March 8th, 8:00 pm, cdt

We are pleased to have one our listeners as our guest.
He considers himself a paleoconservative on foreign
policy and economics. What is particularly interesting
is the fact that there is no police force in his town, but
also no crime. I'd like to hear more about that. We will
wonder on to many subject including the quintessential
necessary evil.

To listen, go to, or to

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

War, Sovereignty, and Inflation

Thursday, March 5th, 6:30 am, cdt

I'd like to say a few words about each of these as they
are current issues that are sometimes misunderstood.
Call in with your comments (646) 652-4620.

To listen, go to, or to